Sunday 27 December 2009

New Construction

After a lazy morning, we headed out to take a look at one of the newest residential development about 5 blocks from Casa Leo. Called the Rio Cuale the developers did a beautiful job constructing an environmentally friendly complex. They restored a large portion of the Rio Cuale,  used water saving fixtures, installed all energy star rated appliances and took advantage of naturally occurring breezes to cool each unit.

After an exhausting tour, we needed some energy ourselves and stopped by one our favorites, El Brujo, for a bowl of tortilla soup and a new discovery. Sorry...I can't recall the name of the it, but they took cheese, fried it somewhat crispy with jumbo shrimp and served it on a warm fresh made tortilla. A bit of a jolt to the heart and arteries, but oh so good. Two each were ordered, but one would have been more than enough, Not being one to see anything go to waste, I ate them both.

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